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CURRENT | LIMITED EDITION | Costa Rica Santa Maria de Dota AA

Our next SIGNAL CURRENT is a single origin, a medium roast, but on the lighter side, from Costa Rica.

There is nowhere like Costa Rica when it comes to coffee cooperatives and Cooperativa de Caficultores de Dota R.L (CoopeDota), which was established in 1960, is one of the finest. It starts with an unmatched commitment to the environment. CoopeDota has a first of its kind certified carbon-neutral mill, which features hydro-powered energy consumption, water efficient eco-pulpers (also called a demucilager), and mechanical coffee dryers fueled by coffee parchment. Nearly 900 producer-members living throughout the canton of Dota within the province of San Jose, Costa Rica focus their attention on farm management throughout the year and then deliver their cherry to the CoopeDota mill where traceability and quality control are second to none. CoopeDota has an equally intricate model of income diversification with a profitable agriculture supply store and tourism department dedicated to showing off coffee farms to visitors. They also roast their own coffee and operate three cafes and a cupper/barista training center. 

A limited edition 10oz. whole bean selection, with each CURRENT we are roasting one green bag only for a short run in this category. Get this incredible curated coffee now before it is gone, and tune in for our future CURRENT offerings!

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
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